Service Times
Sunday School
Family Bible Hour
10:00 AM
Morning Service
11:00 AM
Evening Service
6:00 PM
Prayer & Bible Study
7:00 PM
Master Club
7:00 PM
Our History
On Sunday December 11, 1988, the first services of the Pembina Valley Baptist Church were held. There were 45 people in attendance. That first month there was an average Sunday morning attendance of 35 and 21 for the evening.
On Sunday, February 12, 1989, in the Winkler Arena, the Pembina Valley Baptist Church was officially chartered with 26 people signing as the first members.
We continued for four years in rented facilities, first in the
Winkler Arena then in the Winkler Bible Institute gymnasium. The Lord continued to bless, and on Sunday, March 7, 1993, we moved into our new facility.
Within the first year the attendance jumped to approximately 260.
The church has undergone many additions and renovations during its relatively short history. As the church began to average over 400 on Sunday mornings and 300
Sunday and Wednesday evenings, it was apparent that once again it was necessary to enter another building project. In the fall of 2003, the educational building was started, and in 2005, construction
on the new auditorium began.
We held the first service in the new auditorium on September 9, 2007. We now average over 600 on Sunday morning. We have God only to thank and praise. May He continue to bless and add to our
number so we can reach more for Him. May He find us faithful when He comes.